Let's face it, there does seem to be a limit in Disneyland California as to how many places it's possible to eat in DLCA or Downtown Disney CA before the "I am an adult, not an alcoholic" raises its head. Why not look at the success they have had with the better eating venues in DLP ( can you imagine a Frenchman or for that matter anyone in any civilised country allowing you to beautiful food and then refusing you the delight of a matching glass of wine)
So based on that lets look at some initial options for the next Californian trip. I'm ruling out the Californian Adventure options, I was unimpressed by the Vineyard last time and it is not a place that entices me back in the winter months to its outdoor inadequately heated terraces. So I want to look further afield this year even though Catal and the Napa Rose are definites.
One restaurant has struck me as worth checking out, nothing certain yet, but I think its very high up on the list. It looks nicely independent, a bit quirky in a pulp fiction sort of way and just a short taxi drive away in Stanton.
One thing's for sure, if we do check it, we will be certain to share our views here.